Conference Venue, Program and Proceedings

Conference Venue:


City: Osijek

Address: Ulica Kneza Trpimira 2B

Institution: Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Information Technology Osijek (FERIT)

Room A: T0-20 (FERIT ground floor)

Room B: T0-31 (FERIT ground floor)


Link to Live Streaming: 

Room A (T0-20) 

Room B (T0-31)



Conference Program: 


Conference Date

12 December 2022 (Monday)


9:00 - 9:30 Registration
9:30 - 10:00 Opening
10:00 - 11:00 Invited lectures - Room A (T0-20)

Krešimir Fekete
Influence of Renewable Energy Sources on P-V and Q-V Curves in Transmission System

Ivica Petrović
New Trends In Power System Maintenance

Tomislav Keser
Smart Furniture Design

Aleksandar Ašonja
Laboratory Stand for Testing the Reliability of Agricultural PTO Shaft

11:00 - 11:15 Coffee break



11:15 - 12:45 First section – Electrical Engineering, Computer and Information Sciences


Section 1 - Room A (T0-20), Moderator: Josip Cumin


Dijana Ivezić and Časlav Livada
Noise Removal from Images by Applying Deep Neural Networks

Domagoj Bilandžija, Damir Blažević, Tomislav Keser and Andrej Živković
Conceptual Design of Smart Furniture Objects Cluster

Mirko Köhler, Miljenko Švarcmajer, Ivica Lukić, and Tomislav Stipanić
Organization of a Digital Voting System Based on Blockchain Technology for the Faculty Council

Petar Nenadić, Damir Blažević, Tomislav Keser
Mobile Application for Keeping Records of Class Attendance

Tomislav Kušević, Damir Blažević, Tomislav Keser
Comparison Functionalities of HTTP and MQTT Protocols



Section 1 - Room B (T0-31), Moderator: Eleonora Desnica


Igor Lukačević and Domagoj Lagator
Requirements for High-Quality Thermal Inspection of the Transmission Lines

Duška Jarčević, Ljiljana Radovanović, Jasmina Pekez, Borivoj Novaković and Hrvoje Glavaš
The Influence of Preventive Maintenance of Batteries on Increasing the Security of the Thermal Power System

Dominika Crnjac Milić
Innovation Management as an Important Segment of the Maintenance and Business Development in IT Companies

Katarina Štavlić, Krešimir Lacković and Igor Štavlić
Improvement and Maintenance of Communication Tools in Micro-Enterprises

Filip Pišonić, Krešimir Fekete, Ružica Kljajić and Predrag Marić
Influence of Wind Power Plant on P-V and Q-V Curves in Transmission System

Igor Provči, Robert Noskov and Ivica Petrović
New Trends in Power Transformer Surveillance and Diagnostics in the Function of Power System Maintenance

12:45 - 13:00 Coffee break



13:00 - 14:00 Second section – Civil, Mechanical and Procces Engineering


Section 2 - Room A (T0-20), Moderator: Damir Blažević


Josip Vukašinović, Ivan Grgić, Jure Marijić and Mirko Karakašić
Reverse Engineering and 3D Printing of the Spinning Reel: From Maintenance to the New Product Design

Josip Cumin, Daniel Novoselović, Dejan Marić and Tomislav Šolić
Development of V-Twin Motorcycle Valve Stem Seal Non-Invasive Removal Tool

Miloš Jovanović, Djordje Dihovicni and Muharrem Hilmi Aksoy
Automatic Control of Recirculation System for Respiratory Control

Waldemar Matysiak, Miroslav Duspara, Grzegorz Stawiński, Josip Cumin, Karol Malutkiewicz, Antun Stoić, Jakub Hajkowski
Regeneration of Mould Inserts Using the Laser Welding Method



Section 2 - Room B (T0-31), Moderator: Tomislav Keser


Sara Radojicic, Pejo Konjatic, Marko Katinic, Josip Kacmarcik and Andrijana Milinović
Estimation of Welding Costs During the Production of the Lower Pedestal Central Ring of the Hydraulic Excavator

Eleonora Desnica, Aleksandar Ašonja, Ljiljana Radovanović, Ivan Palinkaš and Imre Kiss
Selection, Dimensioning and Maintenance of Roller Bearings

Kristina Habschied, Snježana Keleković, Ana Domaćinović, Tanja Mađarević Pavetić and Krešimir Mastanjević
Draught Beer – Maintaining the Quality Through Hygienic Measures

Aleksandar Ašonja, Eleonora Desnica, Alexander Pastukhov, Yury Kuznetsov and Igor Kravchenko
Method for Quick Determination of the Reliability Level of Agricultural PTO Shafts


14:00 - 15:30 Lunch time



Conference Proceedings: 

OTO 2022 conference proceedings

31st International Conference on Organization and Technology of Maintenance (OTO 2022)





The organizers are continuously monitoring the situation with the COVID-19 pandemics and will review all required details following the recommendations of the HZJZ for the prevention of COVID-19 infection. More details via link